Friday, February 29, 2008


Want to know the innermost thought's of an actor not making a living in New York City? Well, just stay tuned here. My name's Chip DuFord, and my two older sisters have managed to stick with a blog, so I'm giving it a shot myself .... again.
So what's new? Unemployment!!!! YAY!
Come On! I'm an actor!!! That usually means that, unless you're under a broadway-style, open-ended contract, employment comes in three-month spurts. So you are reading the blog of your normal, average performing artist ... namely, unemployed!
Now ... I've only been unemployed for three weeks, so it's not like I'm completely pathetic! Although, because the last two shows have been at the Meadow Brook Theatre Ensemble in Rochester, MI, I have been staying with my parents to defray the costs ... which is pathetic.
I've been auditioning around various parts of the Midwest (Chicago; Milwaukee; Cattle Call auditions in Memphis, TN) with various levels of success, but it's still a bit early to worry about lack of work. I'm basically in a holding pattern, while auditions creep up and producers make their decisions.
I haven't been a complete couch potato while living with Mom and Dad. I'm basically the Entertainment Director at Casa de DuFord, since I pay the cable and internet bill while I'm here.
My latest project has been to paint the kitchen for my mother. This was an initially arduous project, made initially arduous by my mother deciding she didn't want the wallpaper she had in the kitchen anymore. Have you ever removed wallpaper? It SUCKS! It took forever! After that, mom found someone to re-plaster the walls for a song, and in some ways she got what she paid for, but still, it probably turned out better than having yours-truly take a first-time stab at it.
Then came the week long project (I know, I know, it probably shouldn't take that long but I was moving slowly to make sure I didn't make any mistakes.) Painting the ceiling was the hardest, trying to keep streaks from forming ... I was about 90-95% successful, not bad for a first time attempt.
Just finished the walls yesterday, so mom begin moving back in. She was very excited to move the refrigerator back into its regular position, let me tell you.
Here are some pictures of the kitchen as it stands:

You may perchance have noticed that there are still trace white specks around doors, windows, etc ... don't worry ... the room isn't quite finished yet. Most of that is residual plaster from the, umm, inexpensive plasterwork.

Anyway, I'm quite proud to have not made a mess of the woodwork (floors, cabinets, etc) and managed to make a smooth paint surface on the walls. And I think my mother made an excellent decision on the paint color (with, of course, influence from me!)

Stay tuned! The next post should be post New York City auditions next week!